Jammu hosts Kashmir Samanbal – 2024
Jammu based Kashmir Cultural Trust, a charitable organization working for the promotion of national cultural heritage especially of the Union Territory of J&K organised “Samanbal 2024’’, a two day literary and cultural festival at Writer’s Club of J&K Academy premises Jammu on January 9 and January 10, 2024. About 50 prominent Kashmiri writers, scholars and cultural personalities from across the country took part in this cultural meet.
All Jammu based literary and cultural organizations actively involved in the proliferation and preservation of Kashmiri language among the migrant population as well as Kashmiri speaking areas of Jammu, viz “Samprati’’, “Naagraad”, “Vomed”, “Young Writers Guild “ and “Samooh” Theatre and Literary Group registered their presence in this congregation which saw appreciable activity amidst the bone chilling cold that has engulfed Jammu this winter.
Nagri as an alternative script for Kashmiri
On the occasion, eminent Kashmiri scholar, Dr. R.L.Shant revisited the efforts undertaken in 1990s by involving personages and organisations to somehow preserve the inherited value system and heritage through Kashmiri language; be it Kashmiri Shaivism, Abhinavgupt’s philosophy, the scholarly traditions set up by historians like Pandit Kalhana and others and last but not the least Lal Ded’s spiritual output among the scattered diasporas. While pleading for inclusion of Kashmiri literary organizations to be represented in the literary affairs of Sahitya Akademi, he also made a fervent case for inclusion of “Nagri” as an alternative script for Kashmiri language.
Shri Bal Krishan Sanyasi, an eminent poet presented the keynote address. He emphasized the importance of mother tongue in social bonding and insisted that we need to find different ways to work to preserve Kashmiri. Shri Vijay Bakaya, former Chief Secretary of J&K and Ex. MLC who presided over the inaugural function, said unless we speak Kashmiri in our homes we cannot preserve it. He said we need to sensitise the parents to speak Kashmiri with children at home.
Two books, Kashmir: Nirva Sansahitya, edited jointly by Dr Roop Krishen Bhat and Shri M.K Santoshi and a drama book originally by Shakespeare in English and translated into Kashmiri by Dr. Gauri Shankar Raina were released on this occasion. Smt. Promila Kaul ably anchored this session.

Literature in Exile
In the first session while an exhaustive paper on “Literature in Exile’’ was presented by noted broadcaster and author, Kanwal Krishan Lidhoo, it was followed by a paper by Shri R.L. Jowhar, presenting therein the details of the books published in exile during the past over three decades. Historian and Professor of Kashmir University, Farooq Fayyaz, who chaired the session, highly appreciated the conceptual insights gathered by Mentor of Kashmir Rechords, Sh Lidhoo, in his paper on “Literature in Exile’’. Dr. Sudhir Mahajan, eminent theatre personality of Jammu and Director of Samoh Theatre group based in Jammu gave a detailed account of Drama groups of Kashmir and Jammu who have been active for last three decades.
Poet Aseer Kishtwari highlighted the importance of preservation of mother tongue and appreciated Kashmir Cultural Trust for organising such important programmes.
The session was followed by short story readings in Kashmiri. Those who presented their short stories included Shri Makhan Lal Pandita, Shri Avtar Hugami, Dr Gauri Shankar Raina, Shri Rinku Koul and Engineer Vinod, which were highly appreciated.
Remembering Omkar Koul
Day two of the “Samanbal’ 2024 on January, 10, 2024 saw the session presided jointly by Prof Ashok Koul of Brown University Providence USA and Prof P.N.Trisal.
The paper on contribution of Omkar Koul to Linguistics in general was presented by Prof. Aejaz Sheikh, a professor of the Department of Linguistics, University of Kashmir. He elaborated on his contribution to Linguistics in general and said Omkar Koul had published more than 30 books and over 200 research papers. He had collaborated with world famous Linguists like Peter Hook, Braj Kachroo, Kashi Wali, Ruth, Laila Shadmith and Ludmilla Zakharin.
Next paper was presented by Prof. Rattan Lal Talashi, formerly associated with Kashmir University. He spoke on Omkar Koul’s work and said he was the second scholar after Grierson who worked on this subject. Prof Afaq Aziz, another scholar from University of Kashmir spoke about his life, his education and his autographical work. He said Omkar Koul was a multifaceted personality whose contribution to Kashmiri language and linguistics is unparalleled. Shri Nisar Nadeem presented a review of Omkar Koul’s short stories and said the canvass of his works was global.
The second session was presided by Shri Tej K Rawal, a former broadcaster-poet and Sh. Hasrat Gadda a scholar of repute. In this session Prof. Veena Gupta, a former Head of Dogri Department of Jammu University spoke about Omkar Koul’s contribution to Dogri and Punjabi languages and his association with Jammu University. Others who spoke about him were Shri Ali Shaida, Shri Amin Bhat, the presidents of Maraz Adbi Sangam and Adbi Markaz Kamraz of the valley of Kashmir ,Prof. Shad Ramzan, Prof Farooq Fayyaz, Poet Aseer Kishtwari and host of other delegates. The Mushaira was third and last session which was presided over by Ali Shaida and Shad Ramzan

A mono-acting presentation was also made by a young and popular artiste Anil Chingari which was appreciated by all. A Kashmiri Mushiara, in which about 25 poets from the entire UT of J&K participated, was the highlight of the programme. Eminent poets like R L Jowhar, A K Naz, Dildar Mohan, Ali Shiada, Shad Ramzan, Afaq Aziz, BK Sanyasi, Santosh Nadaan, Kusum Dhar, Nancy Chetna, Aseer Kishtwari, Piarey Hatash, Nisar Nadeem, Satish Safeer, Engineer Vinod etc. participated. It was the largest Mushiara held in Jammu in recent times. Ms. Deba Nazeer the youngest short story writer of Valley presented her short story also.