
Two Kashmiris Who Played a Pivotal Role in Indian Parliamentary Functioning

(Kashmir Rechords Exclusive)     As the Parliament session is underway, it is essential to remember two great Kashmiris who were pioneers in shaping and strengthening India’s Parliamentary functioning through their extraordinary contributions: Maheshwar Nath Kaul and Sham Lal Shakdher. Both hailing from Srinagar,  their work in establishing and laying…

Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru: The Forgotten Advocate of Kashmiri Heritage

(Kashmir Rechords Exclusive Research) Sir  Pandit Tej Bahadur Sapru (8 December 1875 – 20 January 1949) is widely recognized as an Indian freedom fighter, eminent lawyer, and politician. However,  very few are aware of his deep connection to his Kashmiri roots, akin to the present-day Kashmiri Pandits dispersed globally following…

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