Jammu & Kashmir-Research

More Documentary Evidence about Fall of Snakes and Stones in Kashmir!

A recent write-up, published by Kashmir Rechords under the title “When Snakes, Stones Snowed in Kashmir’ has generated a lot of interest on various social-media platforms.  Most of the esteemed readers of Kashmir Rechords have expressed their desire to know more about this unprecedented incident, something they had never heard…

A Kashmiri Pandit diplomat, a spy and a Historian of yesteryears buried in Delhi !

(www.kashmir-rechords.com Exclusive) Pandit Mohan Lal Kashmiri  alias Mirza Quli Kashmiri alias Agha Hassan Jan Kashmiri—–  sounds interesting! But that is how this polyonymous from Zutshi clan had  lavishly lived and  typified  himself  in first half of 19th century as a traveller, a spy, a writer, a diplomat, a polymath, a…

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