Jammu & Kashmir-Research

Englishman’s 1847 visit to Baba Rishi, Bhadarkali Shrines

(Sair-e-Kashmir Concluding Part ) ( By: Kanwal Krishan Lidhoo**) Kashmir Rechords in its previous  five  blogs had mentioned Englishman Mr. Winter Bedim’s visit to Jammu and Kashmir in 1847 recorded in the form of daily entries called ‘Roznamcha’ by one Pandit Kanhaya Lal Aashiq Dehalvi and later published  in the form of…

Aurel Stein’s Memorial Stone at Mohand Marg: A Journey of Installation to Vandalization and Re-installation

Known to Kashmiris and the world for his classic translation of the twelfth-century Chronicle of Sanskrit poet, Pandit Kalhana’s Rajatarangini, Sir Marc Aurel Stein has contributed to Kashmir what no one could even imagine.  Unfortunately, he has been treated  shabbily by certain disgruntled elements, under some sinister plan, who have not…

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