Kashmir Rechords

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Soi, Tethwan….. Kashmir’s Healing Powers Beyond Their Sting, Bitter Taste!

(Kashmir Rechords Presentation) `Soi‘ (nettle), ‘Pamb Chalan‘, ‘Koth‘, or ‘Tethwan’ are among the wild grasses and  herbs of Kashmir that hold a significant place in the local psyche. These  plants evoke a range of emotions among Kashmiris, from fear and trauma to disdain. The sting of a ‘Soi Shalakh’ or the bitter taste of ‘Tethwan’ are common unpleasant experiences. Despite…

Lambodhar Zutshi: The Pioneer of Science Among Kashmiri Pandits

(By: Bhushan Parimoo*) In the late hours of November 16, 1896, the serene night in Chinkral Mohalla, Srinagar, was pierced by anxious whispers and fervent prayers. The household of the late Pandit Mukund Ram Zutshi was abuzz with nervous anticipation as Vishmal Dar, lovingly known as Kisser Ded, endured the…

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