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Arin Maal – Kashmir’s neglected poetess

In the aftermath of exile, concerted attempts have been made by the ivory-tower, pompous intellectuals of Kashmir to downplay and eliminate the notable literary champions of the Kashmiri Pandit community who have hammered their name in the annals of the valley’s brilliant literary tradition.

  Academics of Kashmir in the decades following 1990’s violent social turbulence have consciously tried to portray the legendary Kashmiri Poetess Arin Mal as a figment of imagination, but evidence exists that brings to light endeavors at preserving and anthologizing her precious poetry. During the 18th century, Arin Mal is seen as the sole poet to have composed in the relinquished, and often now unheard – Vatschan genre of Kashmiri poetry – following in the footsteps of the love sick and hugely idolized Habba Khatoon – a past native of the same valley.

Fortunately, Arin Mal has had her verses of stupendous inspiration burrowed into history. Tracing her humble origins from Palhalan village, Baramulla – she was married off to an elite of the Kashmiri Pandit community, one Bhawani Das Kachroo, a resident of Rainawari, Srinagar. There is sufficient evidence of revenue records that certify her having lived and breathed a normal yet essentially, a deeply poetic life.

Immortalizing Arin Maal  

Sri Arjan Dev Majboor, a celebrated intellectual undertook the herculean task of immortalizing Arin Maal. He and his ilk, have tied the loose threads of maligned history, and done justice to the profound life of the great poet.

 For  Detailed Reading:

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