Imagine purchasing an `American’ Pistol in Kanpur and that too without a licence! Hold on, this used to be a practice prior to 1947 and even advertisements for the same were being prominently displayed in newspapers and magazines!
Kashmir Rechords is in possession of one such advertisement, published in a prominent Government-published Urdu magazine of yesteryears! The contents of the advertisement are interesting and newsworthy!
The advertisement, in Urdu, published in July 1947, claims that the `American make’ pistol does not require a licence. It can be purchased from United Traders Post Box Number 643, Kanpur. The pistol is claimed to be of better quality than the one actually manufactured in America, with a provision for a ½-inch six rounds (Kartoos) and a weight of 15 ounce, besides a length of nine inches. The cost of the pistol used to be in three different categories of Rs 55, 66 and 77 with a high quality of `faulad’ used in its manufacturing.
For extra purchase of cartridge, one could purchase the same at the rate of one rupee per 100. For cleaning the pistol, there used to be a provision to purchase a small bottle of oil for 12 annas.
Going by the advertisement, one gets the feeling that the way this `American model’ pistol was projected, it would have been in no way less in quality than the present Nirbheek (fearless)– a six-shot cylinder double-action revolver presently designed and manufactured by the Ordnance Factories Organization in Kanpur, which even now produces fire-arms for the nation.
The contents of the advertisement are interesting….One could have purchased this pistol without a licence! However, can one purchase any weapon without license in India?
The Government of India amended the Act of 1877 to correct its flaws and adapt it to the requirements of Independent India. The Indian Government then passed the Arms Act, 1959 in 1959, repealing the Act of 1877. Therefore, carrying guns without license is now illegal and punishable in the Court of Law.
Then this advertisement, of July 1947 era —a month before India achieved Independence—- reveals a different story, worth pondering!
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