Monumental Chronology of Hindu rulers and dynasties of Kashmir.

(A necessary reference material)

First Period

Second & Third Period

Fourth & Fifth Period

This meticulously compiled chronological Table of ancient Kashmiri Kings and dynasties (Preserved by Kashmir Rechords) is an extract from the brilliantly researched Book `The Hindu History of Kashmir’ written by H H Wilson ( 1960 edition).
Kashmir Rechords

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  • Sheikh Abdullah though initially he did play ball with those across the border, soon realised the futility of proceeding with this suicidal option. Till the time he was alive, nobody dared to question him. Like all political figures he fell into the trap of building dynasties. His progeny both son and grandson so cut off from the real Kashmir squandered the legacy. And after the abolition of Art. 370, they refuse to let go the foolish idea of autonomy. They should lead from the front by educating Kashmiris about the dangers of separatism and getting destroyed by thinking about Pakistan or may be they are projecting it for public consumption which in any case will fetch zero results for them.

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