(Kashmir Rechords Team) While numerous books have been written about Kashmir and its Pandit community,…
(By: K R Ishan) Kashmir, often referred to as the cradle of Shaivism, has been…
(Kashmir Rechords Exclusive) The plight of Kashmiri Pandits has once again resurfaced in Jammu and…
(Kashmir Rechords Exclusive) Ever heard of a Kashmiri Pandit family residing in Rangoon—now known as…
(Kashmir Rechords Special) The Zutshi clan of Kashmir has left an indelible mark in diverse…
(By: Kanwal Krishan Lidhoo*) Every year, on February 13, the world celebrates World Radio Day,…
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Remarkable contributions in preservation of Manuscripts and commanding role in promotion of Sanaskrit language and astrology.
Thanks for a response.
There r many such unsung heroes we hardly respect our legends who despite of limited resources preserved our ancient culture manuscripts history and rituals etc they were concerned about dharma and dedicated to the core and thus commanded respect though we always boast of ancestors of their wisdom courage and knowledge but practically put no efforts to carry forward their Misson only criticism may mata sharda bestow us with knowledge and wisdom remove all negative thoughts
Thanks Raina Saheb for the valuable inputs.
Kashmiri Pandits seem to have never been aware of their heroes around them. It's with a pinch of salt that they have to accept that they are turning materialistic with each passing day. As if this was not enough those who are well endowed with resources and academic degrees refuse to come down from their high towers. And these are the people who grab the attention at the slight pretext and opportunity. They may be actual enemies of the community.