Dogri’s Unsung Hero: Basant Ram `Basant’

(Kashmir Rechords Exclusive)
Dogri poet Basant Ram `Basant’ is another unsung hero about whom  very little is known. Despite considering him “Nazir Akbarabadi’’ of Dogri by some, Basant Ram ‘Basant’ did not get his due recognition and hence remained “Unsung’’.
Except for one article written by renowned writer, Joteshwar Pathik in 1990 and a few of his songs recorded by Radio Kashmir Jammu, there is no record available about this son of the soil.
Efforts made by Kashmir Rechords found that when Basant Ram ‘Basant’ used to take the mike, no one else could venture to face the audience. Even after the poetic symposia were over, he was invited to recite his poems and this would go on till the mid- night and even after.  Pathik in his 1990 write-up says: “This nonagenarian poet had no schooling and even did not know 3 Rs. Still he used to recite poetry without any interruption’’.
Pathik says those who must have   read Nazir Akbarabadi, would know that Basant’s simple lucid style had given him a place along with other doyens like Mir, Ghalib, Zauq and may others. Nazir too had little schooling but his poetry was most popular among the people. He was a street poet and had greater audience than any other poet.

Ignored, Rejected

Pathik mentions that Basant too had a simple lucid style like that of Nazir Akbarabadi and he too had not been recognised by the critics. “He was always dismissed by the `doyens’ of Dogri as an illiterate versifier. But Basant neither bothered nor groused’’.
Born in 1898, Basant was   satisfied and contented when Pathik had met him in 1990. He proudly says, “I have recited my poems before huge gatherings at Srinagar (when GM Bakshi was the Prime Minister of the State before 1963) and at the All India Dogri Writers Conference at New Delhi.”
Basant Ram ‘Basant’ passed the last days of his life in utter poverty and helplessness. Meek and weak, he even could not walk straight and no longer could participate in Mushairas and Kavi Sammelans.
There was only one book of poetry to his credit, which was edited by Tara Smailpuri in 1969. No institution ever bothered to honour him. “He was never awarded by the Cultural Academy or the Sahitya Academi because he had no godfathers to shower praise and evaluate his work’’, exclaims Pathik.

Appeal to Readers

Kashmir Rechords, in its efforts is trying to highlight the contribution of this  unsung hero and thus appeals to all its esteemed readers, who might know about Basant Ram Basant to contact us with authentic details and send the same on or The readers may also forward the same message/write-up to their acquaintances in other groups/social media platforms so that further information is obtained to update story on this unsung hero from Jammu.
Bringing attention to these overlooked figures is crucial in reshaping historical narratives and acknowledging the diverse tapestry of human achievement. By amplifying the stories of these unsung heroes, we honour their legacies, inspire future generations, and strive for a more inclusive and accurate understanding of history. It is imperative that we actively seek out, celebrate, and preserve the stories of those who have been marginalized, ensuring that their contributions are no longer consigned to the shadows of history.
Readers can also share stories about similar unsung heroes with Kashmir Rechords. We promise to publish them with due credit to the contributors.
Kashmir Rechords

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