Cricketers and Gladiators

(By: K K Lidhoo)
Roman kings in order to divert attention from pressing problems faced by the public and the likely unrest these would cause would organize the fatal and mortal combat of the Gladiators who were essentially slaves with good physique. Roman kings and aristocrats of the ruling hierarchy would invest in them; possess them as assets to be consumed in the bloody spectacle in arenas built specially for this purpose. Kings no longer exist and so does not the spectacle of violence associated with any sport say the least about the Gladiators. But since money is the new king, it does arrange the shows without blood of course, but the urges and the instincts remain the same.
The cricket fever is high as it is a billion dollar industry and India is the Mecca of cricket. It has assumed the cult like status in this part of the world the way football is at the world stage. While the competitiveness and the dynamics of money it has unleashed puts heavy strain on the performances of the players who unfortunately are seen more and more as Gladiators of the Roman circus rather than the masters of the relaxing spectacle they used to present.

No Bedi, No Test

(Legendary spinner Bishen Singh Bedi was a coach for Jammu and Kashmir State’s Ranji and under-22 teams in 2011)
In the meantime, we lost Bishen Singh Bedi, the legendary Indian spinner who like his pals played cricket for the sheer joy of it. Bedi, who had  also coached J&K Cricket team in 2011, like many had always been critical of IPL and is on record, having said that the T20 cricket tournament is a platform for money laundering. We are referring to an era when the love for the game of cricket lay hidden in the hearts of Indians as an untapped resource to be exploited by the modern day agents who now deal in cricket’s merchandise on an unprecedented scale and convert it into show business that they rightly think feeds on addiction. Bishen Singh Bedi detested that. He could not somehow get over the adage associated with him “NO BEDI NO TEST”. Now there is a waiting list for the talent also! Will such show business sustain itself and increase its sphere to other sports? Yes, it is doing that even if somewhere the soul of cricket is lost. Cricket cannot be compared with other sports which intrinsically are constituted of aggression but then like all good things that spirit has also gone down the toilet and the Gentleman’s game is now not so gentle.
Kashmir Rechords for our esteemed readers and viewers tries to portray this predicament through the eyes of a common man who though enjoys the spectacle is also conscious of many disruptions it has caused

And the Story Goes Like this

It was the same unfolding. The “Gladiators” would come out in the open. Before going for the kill, they would warm their bodies and swords. The crowd would be seen waiting in trepidation. It would have already betted on the fiercest hunk. The ‘Stadium’ would now replace the “Amphitheatre”. But the contours of the contest would now slightly change from between two to between two and eleven. The eleven would put every obstacle in the way of the two to prevent them from coveting the trophy in a scheme, which was turning more and more complex by the day. The “two” would earn “Runs” in singles, twos, fours and sixes and every team wanted tons of them .Two joker looking individuals would supervise the proceedings and their word was final. In these bloodless fights of the century, no blood would be shed except sweat and sledging.

And the Contest was called Gentleman’s Game

Today’s contest also had the foreboding of the same nerve wracking explosions. The onlookers would vent their feelings, outpour their frustrations, excitement and after the contest was over, spectators would run to their homes, debate about it endlessly till the next action which would come up in a day or two.

So Far So Good

The contest of the runs had started. The “Hulk” who was known to throw the fastest obstacle called ‘Missiles’ started running. He was known by the pet train running in his hometown. As he gathered speed, a deafening collective sound began to engulf the stadium. This was prior to what follows an orgasmic rush. Adrenaline flow was all over the place. Crescendo was reached followed by a collective sigh of release. The hulk had thrown it out. And it had gone over the fence. Contrary to the expectations it was the hulk who was being hit by a diminutive looking person all over the place.  An hour or so passed and the hulk got no victim on that date. The burden of expectations and the national pride was heavy and here he was failing terribly. That is when the animal inside got the better of him and compelled him to throw a ‘beamer’ the deadly missile at the opponent. The beamer also got hit and was nowhere to be seen! The national pride bit the dust. The match was lost. Oh! Catastrophe! A detailed report in tomorrow’s newspapers naturally occupied the front pages. The channels also known as “Mushrooms” continued to chew the cud for the entire day holding the national consciousness to ransom. A typical news report would reflect the following:-
The beamer thrown by our dear hulk tarnished what we call the “Gentleman’s Game”. He not only demeaned the nation but also was instrumental in getting himself disqualified in the most undignified manner. There is no scope for this foolishness in today’s cut throat competitions. The Hulk has transgressed at a time when it is most expected of him to conduct like a gentleman. He should have been aware that he is being idolised by the majority of the youth of the nation. Aggression is alright but it has its limits”….etc. etc.
The matter found its way to the selection committee which consciously avoided taking cognisance of the defence by the Hulk. Reasons were many, foremost among them the money, the television coverage and the rights associated with every operation of this big enterprise. The Hulk had to be sacrificed and that is what had happened. His playing career got culled. The Gentleman’s game was definitely without blood spilling character but beneath that demeanour lay hidden thousands of sacrifices.
Kashmir Rechords

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