
115 year old  Bhagavad Gita translation by Annie Besant

No other personality has come close to the persona of Shri Krishna who combined in himself all the attributes of an ideal human being and whose life projected the radiance of all the colours that the Universe could design.

 The greatest in childhood, greatest as a warrior, householder and a King and the Ultimate as the Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara).

 Kashmir Rechords takes pride in bringing to our esteemed readers a pocket size rare edition of Shrimad Bhagatwat Gita “The Lord’s Song’’, published by noted nationalist, Sh Ganapathi Agraharam Annadhurai Ayyar Natesan (G. A. Natesan) who was an Indian writer, journalistpublisherpolitician and freedom fighter from the erstwhile Madras Presidency.

Bhagavad Gita “The Lord’s Song’’,  1908 edition,  was authored by none other than the founder of Theosophical Society of India, Madam Annie Besant, who is equally remembered as the First women President of Indian National Congress. Besant was a  British socialisteducationist, theosophistwomen’s rights  and a campaigner for Indian nationalism

 On the other hand, G A. Natesan   was the founder and proprietor of G. A. Natesan & Co. Madras, which took a lead in publishing nationalist books, the most prominent among whom was The Indian Review.

Kashmir Rechords also requests the interested parties to help in the preservation of this extremely rare book written by a very rare devotee of Shri Krishna.

Kashmir Rechords

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  • Annie Beasant was the great personality in love with India. It is she who foresaw the spiritual greatness in J Krishnamurti and raised him to heal the people all around the world.aro

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